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24 Hours of Feminist Solidarity - Mexico

In each state of Mexico, women will release between 100 and 200 balloons with the WMW logo printed on them and a message taken from the five values in the Global Charter. The message will be taken to public squares, markets, universities, entrances to subway stations, local bus stops and other places where many people gather. The public will be asked to sign a paper to support the Big Noise Campaign for Trade with Justice after the campaign’s objectives are explained. In Mexico City, women will gather in the main square of El Zócalo. This activity will take place in many towns and municipalities in the state of Jalisco as well. In Chiapas, 100 women will gather in the square of San Cristóbal de las Casas. 

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Invitación 24 horas - D.F. (Mexico)
En el Zócalo, Marcha Mundial de las Mujeres
Last modified 2005-09-30 03:45 PM
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