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DONOR NATIONS, SHOW REAL SOLIDARITY: reconstruction with Haitian men and women

Call to action from World March of Women, Féderation des Femmes du Québec and Maison de Haiti) - 25 January
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Following the earthquake, thousands have shown their solidarity with Haiti by sending generous donations and demanding actions from their governments.

We have been relieved to observe that the emergency help is organized and the international community is seeking a plan for reconstruction.  Nevertheless, we appeal for vigilance to respect the sovereignty of Haiti and women’s rights.  

The Federation of Women of Quebec and the House of Haiti believe that a reconstruction plan must be considered from a perspective of sustainability.  For this reason, we appeal to the governments and organizations gathered at the conference of donor nations to show true solidarity with the people of Haiti.

We will be present to see that these nations will:
·    associate and include women in reconstruction projects, because they are the pillars of social and political life in the country.  
·    pay special attention to the theme of violence against women and children, in a situation where their vulnerability is increased due to a climate of insecurity.  For this reason, it is key that humanitarian aid organizations remain alert and take this into account in their interventions.
·    immediately forgive Haiti’s external debt.
·    not lead Haiti into further debt.  Resources for helping and rebuilding Haiti must be in the form of donations and not loans.  
·    reaffirm Haiti’s right to sovereignty.  The emergency help and plans for reconstruction should not be associated with any conditions nor serve the interests of donor nations.
·    include food sovereignty in the plans for reconstruction and recognize the implications of this for women.  
·    relax migration rules and facilitate the re-unification of families.

We need your help to circulate this message of solidarity to the donor nations.  Join us on Monday, January 25, at 8h45 in front of the social headquarters of OACI, located at: 999 rue University, Montréal (metro Square-Victoria).

Copyrights : CC by-nc-sa 2.0
Last modified 2010-02-23 02:17 PM
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