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World March of Women
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United States of America

Participating Groups 8th day Center for Justice

Participating Groups A Call to Women

Participating Groups A Safe Place

Participating Groups ACE ( AIDS, Counseling and Education) Program

Participating Groups ALANA (African, Latino, Asian, Native Americans)




Participating Groups ASTRAEA Lesbian action foundation

Participating Groups Abortion rights mobilization

Participating Groups Akrin Area Now

Participating Groups Alliance for Mother's and Children's Rights

Participating Groups American College of nurse-midwives

Participating Groups American Humanist Association, Feminist Caucus

Participating Groups Americans for democratic action

Participating Groups Asian American Legal Defense & Education fund

Participating Groups Association for Women in Development (AWID)

Participating Groups Association for Women in Science

Participating Groups Association of Arab-American University Graduates

Participating Groups Association of Iranian Women-USA

Participating Groups Association of Reproduction Health Professionals

Participating Groups Association of Women of the Mediterranean Region

Participating Groups Association of iranian women-USA

Participating Groups August Survivors Center


Participating Groups Believe Collective

Participating Groups Black GRRRL Revolution

Participating Groups Black Women United for Action

Participating Groups Bluestockings Collective

Participating Groups Burmese Women Union East Coast, U.S.A.


Participating Groups CARE

Participating Groups CATW-NY

Participating Groups CEDPA

Participating Groups CHANGE


Participating Groups COATLICUE THEATRE CO.

Participating Groups California Coalition for Women Prisoners

Participating Groups Campaign for Migrant Domestic Workers Rights

Participating Groups Carteret-Craven National Organization for Women

Participating Groups Catholics for Free Choice

Participating Groups Center for Women Policy Studies-CWPS

Participating Groups Center for Women's Global Leadership

Participating Groups Center for democratic renewal

Participating Groups Center for reproductive law and policy

Participating Groups Center of Concern, Women's Project

Participating Groups Center on Juvenile and criminal justice

Participating Groups Central Brooklyn Partnership/Sisters Lending Circle

Participating Groups Charlottesville NOW

Participating Groups Chicago Now

Participating Groups Choice USA

Participating Groups Church Women United, Northern California/Quantum Leap 2000

Participating Groups Church Women United

Participating Groups ClothesLine project- Chicago and suburbs

Participating Groups Coalition Against Trafficking in Women

Participating Groups Coalition for Justice in the Maquiladoras

Participating Groups Coalition for post tubal women

Participating Groups Coalition of Labor Union Women

Participating Groups Coalition of Women from Asia and the Middle East

Participating Groups College Democrats of America

Participating Groups Commitee for Humanitarian Assistance to Iranian Refugees

Participating Groups Committee for Inter-american human rights/ free Lori Berenson project

Participating Groups Connie Hogarth Center for social Action at Manhattanville College

Participating Groups D & C Women's Group

Participating Groups Democratic Socialists of America

Participating Groups Dove Harbor

Participating Groups Dyke Community Activists

Participating Groups Elizabeth Seton Women's Center

Participating Groups Equality Now

Participating Groups Ethnic Studies Department, University of California

Participating Groups Family Institute for Education, Training and Employment

Participating Groups Federally Employed Women (FEW) Cincinnati chapter #1

Participating Groups Feminist Majority Foundation

Participating Groups Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance of Hunter College

Participating Groups Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance-PCC

Participating Groups Feminist Peace Network

Participating Groups Feminist majority alliance, St. Mary's College of Maryland

Participating Groups Florida NOW, Inc

Participating Groups Gender Public Advocacy Coalition (Gender PAC)

Participating Groups Gentle Spirit magazine

Participating Groups George Washington University Action Coalition

Participating Groups Goucher College

Participating Groups Graduate Assistants United, USF Chapter

Participating Groups Grandmothers for Peace International

Participating Groups Grassroots Global Justice Alliance

Participating Groups Green Party New York State

Participating Groups Guilford college Gender Awareness

Participating Groups Gulf Coast Women's Center for Nonviolence

Participating Groups Hague Appeal for Peace

Participating Groups Heinrich Boell Foundation

Participating Groups Holy Names Sisters Justice and Peace Committee


Participating Groups Incest awareness foundation

Participating Groups Indian River NOW

Participating Groups Institute for Food and Development Policy - Food First

Participating Groups Institute for Religion and Social Change

Participating Groups Intercommunity Center for Justice and Peace

Participating Groups Intermission for the Arts

Participating Groups International Anti-Poverty Law Center

Participating Groups International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights commission

Participating Groups International Reproductive Rights Research and Action Group

Participating Groups International Women's Health Coalition

Participating Groups International Women's Human Rights Law Clinic (IWHR)

Participating Groups International Women's Tribune Centre

Participating Groups Jewish Women International

Participating Groups Jubilee 2000 NY

Participating Groups Just Food

Participating Groups Kensington Welfare Rights Union

Participating Groups Lasell College-Center for public service

Participating Groups Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR)

Participating Groups Les chanteuses africaines - Eloquent Fury

Participating Groups Lompoc Coalition for Peace & Justice

Participating Groups Lompoc Valley NOW

Participating Groups Loretto Women's Network

Participating Groups Louisiana State Now

Participating Groups MADRE

Participating Groups Mary E. Douglas-Bailey

Participating Groups Metropolite Dental Center

Participating Groups Michigan Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence

Participating Groups Montclair State University Women's Center

Participating Groups Musowjigi

Participating Groups NOW LDEF

Participating Groups NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund

Participating Groups NOW WASHTENAW CITY

Participating Groups NOW- Capital City (DC)

Participating Groups NOW- New York City

Participating Groups NOW-Grand Rapids Area Chapter

Participating Groups NOW-Milwaukee

Participating Groups NYS-NWPC (national women's political caucus)

Participating Groups National Abortion federation

Participating Groups National Asian Women's Health Organization (NAWHO)

Participating Groups National Coalition Against Domestic Violence

Participating Groups National Congress of Neighborhood Women/Huairou Commission

Participating Groups National Education Assoc.

Participating Groups National Lawyers Guild

Participating Groups National Mobilization against Sweatshops (NMASS)

Participating Groups National Network to end Domestic Violence

Participating Groups National Organization for Women (NOW)

Participating Groups National Organization for Women (North Santa Barbara County Chapter)

Participating Groups National Organization for Women - Knoxville chapter

Participating Groups National Womens Health Network

Participating Groups Nebraska Domestic Violence Sexual Assault Coalition

Participating Groups New Hampshire NOW

Participating Groups New York City AIDS Housing Network

Participating Groups New york City AIDS Housing Network

Participating Groups Nord Sud XXI

Participating Groups North Carolina Hunger Network

Participating Groups North Miami Now

Participating Groups NoteQuest

Participating Groups Now Detroit

Participating Groups Now Florida International University

Participating Groups Now Iowa

Participating Groups Now Jackson Ms Now

Participating Groups Now Virginia

Participating Groups OWL: The Older Womens League

Participating Groups Off Our Backs

Participating Groups Ohio Gender Equity Coalition

Participating Groups Ohio state university's women in development association (OSU-WID)


Participating Groups Park Slope United Methodist Church

Participating Groups People's Decade of Human Rights Education

Participating Groups Planned Parenthood of Orange and Durham Counties

Participating Groups Portland Community College, Women's Resource Center

Participating Groups

Participating Groups Queers for Racial and Economic Justice

Participating Groups RAWA Supporters Santa Barbara


Participating Groups Radical Women

Participating Groups Rainbow PUSH Coalition, Inc.

Participating Groups Ramapo Coolege Women's Center

Participating Groups Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice

Participating Groups Rio Bravo Healthy Communities

Participating Groups Ross County Network for Children

Participating Groups SCCFT (Teachers Union)

Participating Groups SIREN - Services Immigrant Rights and Education Network



Participating Groups Seattle Organizing Committee for the World March of Women

Participating Groups Sexual Harassment and Rape Prevention Program(SHARP)

Participating Groups Sisters of Mercy of the Americas

Participating Groups Sisters of Saint Joseph of Carondelet, Justice Office

Participating Groups Sisters of the Holy Names Justice & Peace cmmte

Participating Groups Sisters of the Holy Names-California justice and peace commitee

Participating Groups Sisters of the Holy names, USA

Participating Groups Society of Helpers

Participating Groups Society of Helpers

Participating Groups Sociologists for Women in Society

Participating Groups Soroptimist International of Fargo

Participating Groups Soroptimist International of La Mesa California

Participating Groups Soroptimist International of Mckinleyville

Participating Groups Soroptimist International of St.Helena

Participating Groups South Suffolk NOW

Participating Groups SpiderWomen

Participating Groups Spokane Women's Coalition

Participating Groups St. Joseph Justice Center

Participating Groups Support Center Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault

Participating Groups Supportive Housing network of NY

Participating Groups Survivors Stand and Tell

Participating Groups Swarthmore College feminist majority leadership alliance

Participating Groups Tampa Now

Participating Groups Teamsters, NY, Local 237

Participating Groups The Afghan Women's Mission

Participating Groups The African Fund

Participating Groups The Coexistence Initiative

Participating Groups The Development GAP

Participating Groups The Paul Peck Humanities Institute

Participating Groups The Women's Issues Committee of Bristol Community College

Participating Groups The Women's Network/The Enterprise Center/State University of New York

Participating Groups The Women's Office

Participating Groups The YWCA of the USA

Participating Groups Third Wave Foundation

Participating Groups Tompkins County NOW

Participating Groups US Women and Cuba Collaboration

Participating Groups Unitarian Universalist United Nations Office

Participating Groups United Methodist Church-Womens Division

Participating Groups United Nations Association of San Diego

Participating Groups United Steelworkers of America

Participating Groups University of New Hampshire President's Commission on the Status of Women

Participating Groups Urban Justice Center

Participating Groups Vakana Productions Inc.

Participating Groups Veteran feminists of america

Participating Groups Violence prevention coalition of orange county

Participating Groups Voters for choice

Participating Groups WAR RESISTERS LEAGUE

Participating Groups WEDO (Women's Environment & Development Organization)

Participating Groups WERISE

Participating Groups WILD (Women's institute for Leadership Development) for Human Rights

Participating Groups WILPF New York

Participating Groups WILPF, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom

Participating Groups WILPF, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom

Participating Groups WILPF, Women's Int League for Peace and Freedom, Central VT

Participating Groups WILPF, Women's Int League for Peace and Freedom-California

Participating Groups WILPF, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom

Participating Groups WILPF, Women's International league for peace and freedom

Participating Groups WOMEN PROUTIST


Participating Groups Washington Feminist Faxnet

Participating Groups Welfare Rights Initiave, NY

Participating Groups Wider Opportunitites for Women

Participating Groups Womanspace (Women's undergraduate network at VT)

Participating Groups Women Clergy

Participating Groups Women for Racial and Economic Equality (WREE)

Participating Groups Women for a Better World

Participating Groups Women in Black NY

Participating Groups Women in Literature and Letters (WILL)

Participating Groups Women law and development international

Participating Groups Women proutist (WP)

Participating Groups Women's Alliance for Theology Ethics and Ritual (WATER)

Participating Groups Women's Commission for Refugee Women and Children

Participating Groups Women's Economic Task Force and Women against Violence

Participating Groups Women's Edge

Participating Groups Women's Institute for Freedom of the Press

Participating Groups Women's Intercultural Network (WIN)

Participating Groups Women's International Coalition for Economic Justice

Participating Groups Women's International Democratic Federation

Participating Groups Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Boston Branch

Participating Groups Women's Production Network, inc

Participating Groups Women's Rights Network

Participating Groups Women's world organization for rights literature and development

Participating Groups Women, Law and Development

Participating Groups Women-Church Convergence, Inc.

Participating Groups Women-Church Convergence

Participating Groups WomenSport International, President

Participating Groups World Federalist Association

Participating Groups World Hunger Year

Participating Groups World March of Women USA c/o National Organization for Women

Participating Groups Zonta International

Participating Groups spfd.Area Now

Last modified 2005-02-28 11:07 AM
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