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Patchwork Quilt - Cuba

"Our Square Quilt has several meanings.  The map of Cuba shows the love with the fatherland.  The royal palm tree, tree which shows the sovereignty of the cuban people is a symbol of the "cubanity" and defense that each Cuban brings to its fatherland.  It means the fight against the blockade of the imperialism which is each time more aggressive, but we do not fear it, on the contrary we are ready to face it to defend our conquests. 

The image of the woman shows a hard-working woman, who can be mother, spouse, but with self-respect,   joy and the decision to defend the Revolution which gave its dignity to cuban women. The Federation of the cuban women is the organization which gathers the majority of Cuban (86 % of the girls of more than 14 years).  It is allied with the International Federation of the Women and the World March of Women to fight in favour of the equality, the development and peace. 

Number 5 means the fight for the release of the five cuban prisoners unfairly held in the United States."- Tamara Columbie, WMW, Cuba.
Last modified 2006-03-17 10:02 AM
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