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24 Hours of Feminist Solidarity - Colombia

The women of Cucuta will hold a meeting on October 8 to make known the Charter to women who aren’t familiar with it. After that, they will organize an “invasion” of local radio stations to broadcast messages denouncing the violation of their rights. On October 20, they will stage a sit-in the city’s main park; there they will denounce everything that is harmful to them and that they are afraid to talk about. There will be cultural activities at the same time. The sit-in slogan is “Let the pressure cooker blow,” that is, that day we women will let loose with our denunciations and raise our voices for peace.

For more information and to see a call to action and invitation to a national meeting, click on the arrows (>>) below

Convocatoria-accion y encontro nacional
Convocatoria Encontro nacional MMM
Unión de Ciudadanas de Colombia
Razones Razones Razones
Convocan Convocan Convocan
Toma simbólica de Los hospitales Materno Infantil Y San Juan de Dios en Bogota
colombie2 colombie2 colombie2
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Acción en Yumbo, Colombia
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Convocatoria 17-10-2005 Convocatoria 17-10-2005 Convocatoria 17-10-2005
Resumen evaluacion e informe movilizacion 17 oct.
Bloqueo-1 Bloqueo-1 Bloqueo-1
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Bloqueo-3 Bloqueo-3 Bloqueo-3
Confrontación Confrontación Confrontación
Declaración Declaración Declaración
Encontro nacional Encontro nacional Encontro nacional
Lanzamiento de globos Lanzamiento de globos Lanzamiento de globos
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Last modified 2005-10-03 03:20 PM
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