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Actions in Colombia

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Organization : Marcha Mundial de las Mujeres- Colombia



Situation of women in Colombia


These days, Colombia faces an increase in the poverty and indigence levels which reach respectively 56 % and 30 %. Amongst these figures, women represent 75 % of the poor and indigent population of the country. Moreover, for more than forty years, the country has been involved in a civil war which has worsened due to the implication of new armed groups (self-defense or paramilitary groups) and the territory of the conflict has expanded.


The repercussions of war on women are very important. Women represent 65% of the population forced to relocate and woman are still used as booty in zones of territorial dispute. Likewise, women who exert some form of leadership in communities suffer the phenomenon of massive arrests implemented by the national government in the last few months, a consequence of legal and judicial changes in the country.


In Colombia, an uncountable amount of women organizations were formed and grow stronger, fighting for a negotiated end to the conflict thru peace agreements between illegal protagonists (from left and right wings) and the national government. Women’s organizations also look for a better quality of life; demand respect of : human, economical, social and cultural rights (DHESC); or the establishment and application of economic alternatives to the capitalist model.



Passage of the Relay


Women’s organizations and mixed organizations who are part of the World March of Women in Colombia have discussed and now propose to realize a big mobilization to the South of the country to receive the Chart from their Ecuadorian partners on April 1st. The day after, many events will take place simultaneously in different cities and villages across the Nation. Those activities will end up with a vigil where we expect international solidarity from the World March of Women concerning a negotiated end to the armed Colombian conflict . On March 3rd, there will be press conferences and the Charter will be sent to Trinidad and Tobago.


  1. On March 8th, the regional and national launches of the Women's Global Charter for Humanity will be held. Press conferences will take place.
  2. During the activities of April 1st and 2nd, we will try to establish a dialogue between state institutions and representatives from multilateral organizations so they can get to know the Charter.
  3. Distribution of the information to women will be done by emails, by giving them a printed version of the Charter during public events and by short presentations of the Charter during forums or seminars for women.
  4.  We have produced four radio shows to broadcast the content of the Charter and the actions of World March of Women for 2005 nationally.


Transfer of the Relay


No activity is yet planed to relay the Charter to Trinidad and Tobago, two islands located far from Colombia. We are looking to invite a partner in our activities in Colombia who could go back to her country with the Charter or to send a women from Colombia there.


Contributors : Jacinthe Gouin, Chargée de la Communication et du Plaidoyer, MMF/Burkina, Martine Senécal, Agente de contacto MMM
Last modified 2005-04-01 05:55 AM
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