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World Relay - Canada

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Women welcomed  the Charter arriving from the United States on May 1. A public rally took place at the Vancouver Public Library. In Yellowknife May 2, 2005, they played a round of the Poverty Game ™. In Winnipeg May 3, 2005, they hold a public rally ending at the legislative buildings. The events in Ottawa, May 4, 2005 opened with a young women’s breakfast, sponsored by the Canadian Federation of Students at 9:30 am. A public rally followed at noon at the Human Rights Monument where there was speaker focusing on Pay Equity. There was an evening reception at 5:30 on Parliament Hill hosted by Status of Women Canada. In Moncton May 5th, 2005, the women of Moncton organized a supper and evening event from 4pm – 10pm.

Read the text and see the pictures in our News section.

Affiche - Poster - Cartel
The World Women's March Comes to Ottawa: May 4, 2005
The Canadian Women’s March Committee 2005 - EVENT UPDATE for May 1st – 7th, 2005
Tonika Morgan'speech in Québec city on May 7 (mp3)
Photos of the Relay in Canada
Last modified 2005-06-27 01:09 PM
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