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Please join us to celebrate the arrival of the Women’s Global Charter for Humanity in Vancouver on May 1st!  The Charter embodies in its text, the consensus struck among 6000 women's organizations in over 160 countries as

to the future we seek and the oppression we reject and resist.  Based around

the 5 core values of equality, freedom, solidarity, justice and peace, the

Charter reflects above all the desire of thousands of women's groups

throughout the world to work within a common framework of global feminist

action and to collectively construct a more just world where all live well.


A scroll of that text written in English, Spanish and French was launched

across the world by 30,000 women on March 8, 2005 from Sao Paolo, Brazil,

and is being handed from woman's hand to woman's hand making its way around

the world.


Women in Vancouver will be the first Canadians to receive The Women's Global

Charter for Humanity when the coalition delegation arrives from the United

States on Sunday May 1, 2005. Canadian women will travel to the border to

receive the Charter, and bring it to a noon celebration on May 1st at the

South Plaza of the Vancouver Public Library.  We invite men and women to

join us in celebrating this feminist exercise of vision and solidarity as it

moves from sea to sea to sea across Canada to Quebec. Diane Matte,

Coordonnatrice of the March secretariat will join us in

Vancouver, as will several members of the pan-Canadian Co-ordinating

Committee. You can look forward to participating in a fun-filled, colorful

celebration, including music, art, speakers, entertainment, art creation and



Please distribute our poster widely... as all are welcome,

and the event will be child friendly.   We sincerely hope that you will come

out in numbers to let women in the city, the province, the country, and

around the world know that we share a common vision - and that we are

committed to working hard together to make it a reality!!  Please bring

yourselves and everyone you know to come out and celebrate!  If your

organization has a banner, please bring it along!


In solidarity,


Lynda Gerty

Canadian Association of Sexual Assault Centres

Last modified 2005-04-18 11:06 AM