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24 Hours of Feminist Solidarity - Argentina

The women of Argentina will close off an avenue close to the Plaza de Mayo, at the intersections, and distribute the Charter along with banners and leaflets explaining the March. They will also distribute these materials in all the lead-up activities.

In La Quiaca, province of Jujuy, women will hold a joint action with their sisters of Villazon, in the province of Modesto Omiste, in Bolivia, taking advantage of their geographic situation to get together for the 24 hours of feminist solidarity. They will start from the 10th of October to publicize texts that refer to the content of the Charter, by different medias; on October 17th, at 11 AM, they will wait for their Bolivian sisters, will hold a ceremony, and then will walk together to the central place of Villazon. The aim of this march is to seek for a commitment from the authorities on both sides of the border. At 9 PM, there will be a roundtable with live broadcast on TVs where the text of the Charter will be analysed by professionals and other reference persons for the community.

¡Qué alegría!
17 de octubre_Argentina 17 de octubre_Argentina 17 de octubre_Argentina
Last modified 2005-12-14 03:00 PM
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