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The Senegalese women sharpen their weapons

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“Last February 8th, in RADDHO’s offices, the piloting Committee of the World March of Women in Senegal evoked the good times of the international meeting in Kigali, that had taken place last December, and presented a plan for their 2005 actions in Senegal. This committee is comprised of women from all the regions of Senegal. Most of them participated to the big march against poverty and violence made to the women in New York five years ago.


This meeting allowed the members to react to the conclusions of the Kigali’s meeting and to suggest the actions of the Senegalese women for 2005. Like every country who will receive the relay, Senegal will participate in the sewing of a huge patchwork quilt by making a square of cloth that will express one of the fundamental values as women of this country see it.


The Senegal also accepted the proposition of the International Committee to welcome the strategic planning process and will have to find some means to ensure the scientific and material organization of the strategic planning workshop.


Summed up translations of the Charter in the national languages, a sub-regional caravan, and the 24 Hours of feminist solidarity, are some of the activities planned by Senegal or which it will attend. Delegations of Senegal will stay in Mali and in Burkina Faso to hand over the relay and assist to the October 17th day against feminine poverty.


Concerning the Kigali meeting, it permitted the adoption of a Women’s Global Charter for Humanity, which will serve as a political basis for the international actions in 2005. It also served as framework to take stock of actual stakes for the women’s movements in a context of increased militarization of our planet, the advances of neo-liberalism and of the extremisms and their consequences on the fight against poverty and violence made to women at a national and international level.


Just to mention it, the choice of Kigali was not fortuitous. This city of Rwanda is situated in the Great Lakes region, a war zone where the women are the main victims.”



Translation of an article published in  French:

KIM TREMBLAY, Kaddu Jigéén ñi, a bulletin edited by the Siggil Jigeen network, n.7, april 2005.

Contributors : Martine Senécal, Agente de liaison MMF - Burkina Faso
Copyrights : CC by-nc-sa 2.0
Last modified 2007-06-18 02:42 PM
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