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24 Hours of Feminist Solidarity - Democratic Republic of the Congo

A conference is planned for October 17 in Kinshasa on women’s real control over their lives and respect for the rights of Congolese women. In particular, the activity will stress solidarity with young homeless mothers, to encourage them to take charge of their lives. Three hundred women are expected.

Women of the Democratic Republic, particularly from the association « action femme pour le développement et la santé » (Action of women for development and health), are thinking about organizing a march to show their solidarity with women victims of HIV/AIDS because of rapes during the war and with women accused of being witches. The march will start at the office of the association, to the “Victoire” place which is unavoidable crossroads.

Union des femmes congolaises pour le développement
Conférence à Kinshasa pour le respect des droits des femmes congolaises
Last modified 2005-10-13 08:30 AM
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