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National News Flashes - Kenya

WMW Kenya - Activities in March 2009

7th March: Women for peace football tournament (Kibera)

8th March:  Cultural events for IWD ( Huruma / Korogocho)

16th March: Support an Afican Child(One of our very strong mobiliser in the ground has a shelter for destitute and orphaned children). Mama Lucy Odipo and her group are planning to cook traditional foods ( GMO's are now dominating our once very organic and fresh food markets) and organise performances in the community, where people can buy the food as a fundsdrive towards creating a better shelter for those children she hosts. As WMW members, we agreed to give full support by inviting people who can donate or attend the function, so she can get some support

20th March: There are inquiries going on regarding extra judicial killings, our sisters from kiamaiko young women group which is also a member of the WMW are requesting us to stand in solidarity with them. On that day, there will be an open community inquiry where the UN special rapportuer will be present. Members have been invited to the first community case against the police killings with impunity.

28th March: SWAN (Support Women Artists Now) day. 5Cs who are the organisers of this years' SWAN dayand also members of WMW have invited the WMW to the event which will be at KICC grounds. WMW members are so excited and are looking forward to having a batucada. We will be creative as women and make our presence visible by having the coloured caps and the drums. If possible, we can also do a lambelambe prior to the artists day to enable people know more about WMW. Our plan is to print short and precise messages of WMW, with the WMW main website (is given permission by the IS), paste at startegic places at the venue, and also to give to the public on the road show, since there will be a road show on that day.

Click for further information on recent activities of WMW in Kenya.

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Last modified 2009-03-06 12:34 PM