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World Relay - Guinea

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A group of women will welcome the relay at the Conakry airport, with a group of majorettes accompanying it to the French-Guinean Cultural Center (Sory Kandja Kouyaté) where other women will wait their arrival. A 2-km march is planned from the Cameroune Station to the Sory Kandja Kouyaté.

On the second and third days, we plan some activities to explain the Women’s Global Charter in the five areas of Conakry.

The fourth day, the women in Guinea will present their demands to the Prime Minister, through the Minister of Social Affairs. Those claims are, among others, about the acceleration of the project of a new code on the persons and the families which always delays being adopted.

We also plan to have a folk danse (mamaya), and then a group of women will bring the relay to the airport. A delegate from Guinea will accompany the relay and will hand it over to the Senegalese women.

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Last modified 2005-09-22 08:05 AM
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