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World March of Women
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Patchwork Quilt - Burundi

The square contains two logos: one of World March on the left and the other on the right of a burundian woman
with the traditional clothes having the same colors as the national flag. This woman carries on her head an open basket to make leave a dove, peace symbol; its opened wings ask to cease the violences against women. The open basket means "do not violate me".

In the medium we wrote in Kirundi "AMAHORO AMAHONDA" which means literally PEACE AND SORGO who is sign of abundance. Thus we wish abundance to the burundians and the entire world  in order to cease the wars and to live in peace and thus the woman will not have any more a concern. In bottom of the Short point we marked the date of entry and exit in Burundi of the Charter
Last modified 2006-02-13 11:39 AM
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