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24 Hours of Feminist Solidarity - Burkina Faso

Women from every continent are going to Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, to greet the Relay on October 17.  On the day before, they will take part in the official reception of the Charter, which will be followed in the evening by a cultural sharing event.  At noon on October 17, women from around the world will march in the streets of Ouagadougou to the site of the final activity, which will be the dedication of a WMW "Peace Square." The Charter will be presented to an official of the Government of Burkina Faso.


Also, on October 17, we want to mark the arrival of the Women's Global Charter for Humanity in Africa with a expression of our solidarity with African women. As a concrete expression of our solidarity, we plan to give a young Burkinan women a scholarship for journalism school. For us, this is a way to underline the role the media could play in women's emancipation if more young women were news makers and producers.

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Bourse Burkina Faso
En achevant le relais de la Charte mondiale des femmes pour l’humanité en Afrique, le 17 octobre, nous voulons exprimer notre solidarité avec les femmes d’Afrique. Pour concrétiser cette solidarité, nous comptons remettre à une jeune femme burkinabé une bourse qui lui permettra de suivre des études de journalisme. Nous souhaitons ainsi marquer le rôle que la presse peut jouer dans l’émancipation des femmes si plus de jeunes femmes deviennent elles-mêmes actrices et productrices d’information.
Scholarship Burkina Faso
By deciding to end the Relay of the Women's Global Charter for Humanity in Burkina Faso on October 17, 2005, we wanted to express our solidarity with the women of Africa. To translate our solidarity into a concrete gesture, we plan to give a young Burkinan woman a scholarship to study journalism. We want to underscore the role the press can play in women’s emancipation if more young women become actors and producers of news.
Beca Burkina Faso
Al concluir el relevo de la Carta Mundial de las Mujeres para la Humanidad en África, el 17 de octubre, queremos expresar nuestra solidaridad con las mujeres africanas. Para concretizar esta solidaridad, pensamos entregarle a una joven burkinabé una beca que le permitirá seguir sus estudios de periodismo. Deseamos de esta manera enfatizar el papel que puede tener la prensa en el proceso de emancipación de las mujeres si un número cada vez mayor de mujeres se vuelven protagonistas y productoras de información.
Last modified 2005-09-30 11:22 AM
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