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Hymn to the Woman

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For her courage and her strength
And all her love for humanity
For the soundness of her  ideas
It is women we honour

We often say that women
Carry half the Earth
But in fact women
Carry the two thirds of humanity
And her conditions are almost the same
Everywhere in the world
Humiliation, oppression, exploitation
Unfairness, violence and poverty 

Today united we stand up
And denounce with all our energy
The oppression that women live
Every day in this world
The violations to human rights
Particularly women’s rights
We denounce any discrimination
Source of women‘s oppression


Education and care of children
Are incumbent to men as much as women
A woman has the right to decide
About her fate
She has the right to say no
To socio-cultural standards
That want her beautiful and submissive
Submissive and silent 

Tradition or religion
Ideology or custom
Should never hinder
The full emancipation of a woman
No human being belongs to another one
Everyone in the world is equal
They have the same rights and same duties
And have to be masters of their fate

Let’s declare our love for life
Let’s fight everywhere to protect it
And let’s build together a new world
Without exclusion, fear or violence
A world where reigns solidarity
Freedom, justice and equality
A world of peace and love
Without discrimination and violence


Copyrights : A song by Issouf Compaoré, for the MMF/ANBF
Last modified 2007-06-18 02:42 PM
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