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World March of Women
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Roles and responsibilities

of the World March of Women National Coordinating Bodies (as set out in the WMW’s By-laws)
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National Coordinating Bodies gather together participating groups of the March in countries/territories. We encourage the formation of such coordinating groups as they multiply the impact of our action and are reflective of diverse political situations.

National coordinating bodies constitute the foundation of our organization; they are autonomous with regards to their functioning, policies and actions. Still, like all the bodies of the March, they must act in conformance with the principles and values of the World March of Women.

Responsibilities of national coordinating bodies

In addition to their national and regional work, national coordinating bodies have the following responsibilities:

- at the national level, to carry out popular education, mobilizing activities and actions adopted by International Meetings of the March;

- to adopt public positions on political questions;

- to communicate with participating groups (in coordination with the Secretariat);

- to implement policy and decisions made by International Meetings (with the Secretariat and the International Committee);

- to participate in working groups and collectives formed at the international level.

N.B. In addition, we expect that coordinating bodies will manage the list of participating groups (in coordination with the International Secretariat), participate in the democratic life of the WMW and communicate regularly with the International Secretariat to share information about their World March of Women activities.
Copyrights : CC by-nc-sa 2.0
Last modified 2006-03-28 11:49 AM
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