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April 2002 - Videos clips

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By way of introduction
Marching On for Bread and Roses
Actions to Revolutionize the World
How We Said It: Building Solidarity
Snapshots from Home and Elsewhere
2001: A March-to Be Continued?


Video clips of the World March of Women

Clips edited from the following film and video :

Partition pour voix de femmes, Sophie Bissonnette, Les Productions Virage and the National Film Board (NFB), 2002, 86 min 04 s.

La meilleure façon de marcher, Pétunia Alvès, Groupe Intervention Vidéo (GIV), 2001, 30 min.

A big thanks to them for allowing us to use their work.

Edited by Pétunia Alvès and Marik Boudreau, Groupe Intervention Vidéo, 2002.

These videos may be viewed with

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Canada, Montréal, october 2000
Excerpts from the film Partition pour voix de femmes.
Excerpts from the video La meilleure façon de marcher.
High resolution (2,3 mg)

Low resolution (739 Ko)
World rally in New York, October 2000
Excerpts from the film Partition pour voix de femmes
Excerpts from the video La meilleure façon de marcher
High resolution (2,3 mg)

Low resolution (796 Ko)
Mexico, october 2000
Excerpts from the film Partition pour voix de femmes.
High resolution (1,8 mg)

Low resolution (618 Ko)
Morocco, March 2000
Excerpts from the film Partition pour voix de femmes
High resolution (1,7 mg)

Low resolution (609 Ko)
European rally (Belgium) October 2000
Excerpts from the film Partition pour voix de femmes
High resolution (2,3 mg)

Low resolution (807 Ko)
United States of America, Washington, D.C., october 2000
Excerpts from the film Partition pour voix de femmes.
High resolution (2,3 mg)

Low resolution (778 Ko)
Japan, 2000
Excerpts from the film Partition pour voix de femmes.
High resolution (1,5 mg)

Low resolution (596 Ko)
Ecuador, 2000
Excerpts from the film Partition pour voix de femmes.
High resolution (2,4 mg)

Low resolution (741 Ko)
India, 2000
Excerpts from the film Partition pour voix de femmes.
High resolution (2 mg)

Low resolution (807 Ko)
Libanon, september 2000
Excerpts from the film Partition pour voix de femmes, Sophie Bissonnette.
High resolution (2,4 mg)

Low resolution (844 Ko)
Canada, Ottawa-Hull, october 2000
Excerpts from the video La meilleure façon de marcher.
High resolution (1,7 mg)

Low resolution (857 Ko)
Brazil, 2000
Excerpts from the film Partition pour voix de femmes.
High resolution (2,3 mg)

Low resolution (882 Ko)
Burkina Faso, May 2000
Excerpts from the film Partition pour voix de femmes.
High resolution (2,3 mg)

Low resolution (993 Ko)
Mozambique, March 2000
Excerpts from the film Partition pour voix de femmes.
High resolution (2,5 mg)

Low resolution (923 Ko)
Colombie, 2000
Excerpts from the film Partition pour voix de femmes.
High resolution (1,8 mg)

Low resolution (934 Ko)


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Women on the March
April 2002

Copyrights : CC by-nc-sa 2.0
Last modified 2006-03-23 03:09 PM
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