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April 2002 - Snapshots of Home and Elsewhere - Europe

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Snapshots of Home and Elsewhere - Europe

By way of introduction
Marching On for Bread and Roses
Actions to Revolutionize the World
How We Said It: Building Solidarity
Snapshots of Home and Elsewhere
2001: A March-to Be Continued?


National slogans
Basque Spain: "Ondasuna banatu! Bortizkeria ezabatu! Emakumeen duintasuna mundu osoan martxan," "Contra la feminización de la pobreza. Contra la violencia sobre las mujeres. La dignidad de las mujeres en marcha."

Galicia, Spain: "Feminismo: A utopia que nos fai avanzar"

Germany: "Zum Aufbruch in ein neues Jahrtausend setzen Frauen mit dem Weltmarsch ein Zeichen und kampfen gegen Armut und Gewalt gegen Frauen"

Portugal: "Transformar a vida, construir a igualdade"

Russia: "Jobs and adequate salaries for women!"

Switzerland: "Pour avoir de quoi vivre et des raisons de vivre"

Turkey: "We are marching against poverty, war, racism, violence, rape, harassing

Illustration : Support card from Catalonia, Spain.
Illustration : Italian support card.

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Women on the March
April 2002

Copyrights : CC by-nc-sa 2.0
Last modified 2006-03-23 03:09 PM
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