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April 2002 - Actions to Revolutionize the World

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Actions to Revolutionize the World

By way of introduction
Marching On for Bread and Roses
Actions to Revolutionize the World
How We Said It: Building Solidarity
Snapshots from Home and Elsewhere
2001: A March-to Be Continued?


Women's Marching Feet Echo around the World

Amérique du Nord

Above: The U.S. delegation on October 15, 2000. (Photo Joane Mc Dermott)

Women in the United States joined in the World March of Women because poorly distributed wealth leaves many people, especially women, to fend-badly-for themselves; because wife assault, which sometimes becomes wife murder, is endemic; because abortion is increasingly called into question. They organized the October 15, 2000 march in Washington, joined by women from all over the planet.

Canadian women's slogan for the March was "It's Time for Change". They drew up 68 demands, organized marches and training sessions, and lobbied their members of Parliament. Aboriginal women played an active role in the events. A total of 50,000 people were at the national march on October 15, 2000, in Ottawa, and 30,000 turned out in Montréal, Québec, the day before.

Above: Women demonstrate on March 8, 2000, in Victoria, British Colombia.


Above: The October 15 march is showcased in the Sunday Sun.

In Barbados, "marches are a new but increasingly popular phenomenon", a participant remarked. Some subjects were difficult to defend such as calling into question tax shelters. However, the women did present their platform of national demands to the prime minister on October 15, 2000. Among the demands were the creation of a competent court of law to hear family matters.

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Women on the March
April 2002

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Last modified 2006-03-23 03:09 PM
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