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Women begin the series of mobilizations during the People's Summit in Rio +20

On June 18th, women highlighted that is necessary to build equality and end violence against women to overcome the capitalist, patriarchal, homophobic and racist model of development, translated today in the green economy.

More than 10,000 people marched on the morning of the June 18th under the slogan “Women against the commoditization of our bodies, our lives and nature”, departing between Flamengo Park and Carioca Lake. The mobilization was organized by the World March of Women (WMW), and women from mixed movements such as Via Campesina, Contag, CUT, CAOI and ANA, as well as other feminist organizations, and has launched the series of mobilizations planned around the Summit.

The day started early at 7am, when more than 2,000 women of the social movements hosted at the Sambodromo in Rio de Janeiro went up to the MAM - Museum of Modern Art, in Flamengo Park. Along the way, energized by the WMW Feminist “Batucada”, they denounced the green economy, transnational corporations and multilateral institutions such as the World Bank and IMF as the real parties responsible for the global crisis that we are experiencing today and for the increasing violence and poverty among women.

At MAM, other feminist activists from Latin America and all over the world who were taking part at the opening of the "Global Territory of Women" joined the others and departed in direction of the Carioca Lake, the final destination of the action. This women’s demonstration denounced how the capitalist, patriarchal, homophobic and racist model of development is also destroying the nature.

"We need to overcome this model, but in order to achieve that we must overcome the sexual division of labor, which does not recognize our work as work, that says that we women have to do care work for love or because we share a burden of guilt. We are demanding the recognition of women's work and also an end to the sexual division of labor in the productive world", said Nalu Faria, from the WMW. The question is not only about environmental sustainability but also about building another model of production and consumption that ensures equality. "To achieve this, we must be free from all forms of oppression, considering not only harmony with nature but also harmony between human beings – men and women. That means ending violence, it means that men must no longer be at the service of capitalism and must stop beating and harassing us. It means having the freedom to exercise our sexuality and abortion rights. That is why we will continue to struggle until we have built all the required transformations, we will continue strengthening our struggle against green capitalism and insist that our demands be recognized even by our comrades in the social movements!"

Occupy BNDES
(with information from the Radio Mundo Real)

At the end of the march, the WMW held a protest against a branch of National Bank of Economic and Social Development (BNDES), belonging to the Brazilian state, pointing that the bank "finances the sexual exploitation of women." The BNDES is the main funder of many mega projects in Brazil, responsible for various environmental and social impacts in the territories.

At the end of the action, when women were leaving the site in front of the BNDES, thousands of representatives of indigenous peoples from various regions of Brazil suddenly appeared and entered building of the bank. The WMW feminist activists then joined the protest. Several indigenous tried to enter through a door in order to present their complaints and grievances to the authorities. After the strong direct action, and after a negotiation with security guards and a BNDES spokesman, a group of 12 indigenous were seen by a representative of the bank. Watch the video of the protest against the BNDES at:  

Other videos on the WMW participation:

- BNDES protest, June 18th:

- Plenary 5 - "Work, for an ‘other’ economy and new paradigms for society” (our solutions), 17th June:

- June 18th call to action:

Last modified 2012-06-20 09:37 PM
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