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Newsletter "The March in Action", 01, January

Through this newsletter, we are inaugurating the year of our Third International Action. Together with the 2010 website, it will be our main tool of communication and exchange of information with regard to all that we are organising as the WMW in our countries and regions in 2010.

It’s important that we involve ourselves actively in the construction of this newsletter, by sending updated WMW action news on a regular basis from our countries to International Committee members and International Secretariat. It’s also fundamental that we make an effort to share and distribute it to all those who are interested in the themes of our struggles, WMW sympathisers, those who don’t have access to the internet (by printing it out), those who speak languages other than English, French and Spanish (by translating it), those who listen to the radio and access other media (by transforming it in audio format).

Our proposal is to publish this newsletter every two months in our three working languages (Spanish, French and English), but if we receive a lot of information, we can publish it with greater frequency. We look forward to receiving your contributions! Please send your comments and suggestions to the International Secretariat!

Highlights of this edition:
- The 100th anniversary of the declaration of International Women’s Day
- The Walkers: Summary of the project sent on the 25th November 2009
- The action in the regions: Asia, Americas, Europe and Africa
- The action in the countries: National preparations for 2010
- Website 2010: mobilisation and diffusion

Click to read or download "The March in Action" newsletter number 01.

Last modified 2010-01-06 11:12 AM
This item is available in
English, Español, Français