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VII International Meeting: call to action and declaration


Change the lives of women to change the world.
Change the world to change the lives of women.

We, activists of the World March of Women, struggle together against the root causes of poverty and sexist violence. Ten years after our first International Meeting, we gathered together in Panxón, Galicia, from 14th – 21st October 2008. We were 136 women from 48 countries from all five continents, joined together to construct proposals around our Action Areas: Peace and demilitarisation; Common good; Violence against women; Women’s work.

During these seven days, we also joined many Galician sisters and male supporters in a public forum for debates and a fair to defend Food Sovereignty and women's self-determination. We also took part in an amazingly joyful, positive demonstration – along with more than 5,000 people – in the streets of Vigo on Sunday morning, 19th October. Accompanied by the sound of "batucada" drums, we created rhythms for women's rights, against machismo and for peace. 


Click to read the complete version of the 2010 call to action.


Financial Crisis Declaration, approved on the 20th October 2008, during the
VII World March of Women International Meeting at Panxon, Vigo, Galicia

In a context of patriarchy and neoliberal economics, the banking and finance system is in collapse. Attempts at recovery to improve its functioning only worsen the situation. The stock markets of the world are in free-fall; the crisis is growing and cannot be hidden. The consequence of the non-redistribution of wealth is massive impoverishment of populations, and of women in particular. This system favours the development of war as a tool to acquire the resources of the South and to develop the arms industry. In the midst of these military conflicts, women suffer unacceptable and inhuman violence.

The colossal gains of the speculators and stockholders have been privatised while the enormous losses of the system have been nationalised, i.e. paid for by all us, men and women, through our States.

We, women of the world, are the first to be affected by run-away unemployment, by the loss of food autonomy, by the commercialisation of common goods. This financial crisis is closely linked to all the other crises: climate change, and the food, energy, and work crises.


Click to read the complete version of the declaration on the financial crisis.

Last modified 2008-10-30 04:44 PM
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