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World March of Women Scholarship

World March of Women Scholarship
By Habi Ouattara,Chargée de Communication de la MMF/ANBF

The Happy Recipient is Sanouidi S. Sandrine

The Marche Mondiale des Femmes/Action Nationale du Burkina Faso (MMF/ANBF) awarded a scholarship in the amount of 3,260,000 CFA francs (5000 euros/US$6000) and a J.C. motor scooter to a young woman named Sanouidi Scheila Sandrine.The ceremony took place on Wednesday, December 7, 2005, in the conference room of the Splendide Hôtel in Ouagadougou.

On Wednesday, December 7, 2005, at the beginning of a workshop on human rights and violence against women organized by the Ministère de la Promotion des Droits Humains of Burkina Faso in collaboration with five women's organizations, the MMF/ANBF awarded a scholarship to a Burkinan student. Sanouidi Scheila Sandrine, winner of the admissions competition to the journalism and communications department of the Université de Ouagadougou, received a cheque for 3,200,000 CFA francs and a J.C. motor scooter.

The scholarship covering Ms. Sandrine's four-year journalism and communicationsprogram is the contribution of women around the world to Burkinan women's struggle against the feminization of poverty. According to MMF/ANBF coordinator, Awa Ouédraogo/Dabiré, it is also a symbolic gesture designed to illustrate women's resolute determination to attack violence against women in the media.

The scholarship was awarded based on three main criteria: merit, socio-economic conditions and age.

In the same ceremony, the MMF/ANBF paid homage to two groups of young people who represent hope for the future:

- children from public elementary schools A and B of Patte-d'oie, who sang the Hymn to Women and conducted an action for peace on October 17;

- 11 girls from the Centres de formations techniques de Goughin, the Office des postes et télécommunications and Saint Camille.

They gave up their holidays in August and September 2005 to create the contribution of the Burkinan national coordinating body to the Solidarity Quilt.

Sanouidi Sheila Sandrine is 19 years old. She thanked the World March of Women, affirming her intention to achieve more than satisfactory academic results.


- Sandrine receiving the key to the scooter from Monique Ilboudo, Minister of Human Rights of Burkina Faso

- The winner of the WMW scholarship and the Minister of Human Rights of Burkina Faso

- The winner surrounded by her family and members of the staff of the Secretariat of the MMF/ANBF

Habi Ouattara,Communications Officer of the MMF/ANBF

Last modified 2005-12-14 10:50 AM
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