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Presentation of the Charter in Ram Allah

By Margaret Thompson & Katerina Anfossi, radio FIRE


13th International Conference of Women in Black
Jerusalem, August 12-16, 2005 

"Women Resisting the Occupation and the War"

Radio Internacional Feminista/Feminist International Radio Endeavour/FIRE
Ramallah, August 15, 2005

Women in Black Participants Join Palestinian Women in Solidarity with Presentation of 
Global Charter for Humanity & Demonstration Against the Israeli Occupation

Calls for non-violent resistance to Israeli policies and actions both inside and outside Israel and Palestine have been one of the main themes of the 13th International Women in Black Conference in Jerusalem. A record 735 mostly women from 44 countries registered for the conference, which is entitled "Women Resisting War and the Occupation," held August 12-16, 2005.

After two days of panels and plenaries on conflict, peace & resistance issues, the international participants traveled to Ramallah to meet with Palestinian women who were not allowed to travel to Jerusalem. A number of the Palestinian women gave their testimonies about the impact of the Israeli occupation on their lives.  Afterwards the Women in Black traveled to Bil'in to join Palestinian villagers in a demonstration against the Separation Wall, which will divide their village once construction is finished.

Foto por Radio Feminista/Photo by FIRE

In Ramallah, Palestinian women who in some cases had to travel 70 kilometers, met with about 350 peace activists from around the world. Israeli women including some organizers of the conference were not allowed to accompany the women, because it is illegal for them to travel to Palestinian territories.  

Three of the Palestinian women gave their testimonies about the impact of the Israeli occupation on their lives. One woman talked about her three sons who were serving sentences in Israeli prisons, while another cried as she told the story of her 11 and 15 year old sons were killed by the Israeli military. Another woman described the six years she had just spent in prison, as one of 127 Palestinian women political prisoners.

Also at the Ramallah event, the Palestinian women presented the Women's Global Charter For Humanity, which has been passed along on a global relay that was launched by the World March of Women on International Women’s Day 2005.

Foto por Radio Feminista/Photo by FIRE

The Charter proposes to build a world where exploitation, oppression, intolerance and exclusion no longer exist and integrity, diversity, and the rights and freedoms of all are respected. Its demands include elimination of poverty and violence against women. The relay began March 8 in Sao Paulo, Brazil, and will be passed along to women in 53 countries before concluding in Quagadongou, Burkina Faso on Oct. 17, 2005.

Foto por Radio Feminista/Photo by FIRE

Salwa Abu Khadra, who presented the charter at the Ramallah event declared, "More than 600,000 women have marched in order to have this declaration, which is a declaration for all women of the world, asking for equality, justice, and freedom." Many of these women are "struggling against poverty and injustice…so I want to say many thanks to all these women who are very brave and courageous and who come from over 50 countries."

Many of the Women in Black participants then turned their words into action and joined Palestinian women and girls in the village of Bil'in for a demonstration against the Separation Wall, which as in many Palestinian areas will divide villages and take away land belonging to the Palestinians. Many countries have condemned this vast construction project as a threat to peace rather than a means to increase security as claimed by the Israeli government.

Foto por Radio Feminista/Photo by FIRE

During the first two day of the Women in Black conference, participants listened to numerous panels and workshops, focusing on a variety of issues related to women, resistance and conflict. But just outside the event in the streets were nightly marches by large crowds of Israeli settlers and their supporters against the disengagement process in the Gaza Strip. During the settlers’ protests in Jerusalem, about 2,000 Palestinians were held by police outside the Old City, not allowed to go to their jobs or in some cases return to their homes.

Mainstream international media reports have focused primarily on the protests in Gaza by Israeli settlers and their supporters, which have become increasingly violent. But little attention has focused on efforts by a large number of peace activists among both Israelis and Palestinians to seek a non-violent resolution of the conflict, and a halt to the building of the Separation Wall. The Women in Black conference was timed to coincide with the disengagement process in Gaza, in order to support Israeli and Palestinian peace activists, and to explore parallels of conflict, oppression and resistance in other parts of the world

Radio International Feminista/Feminist International Radio Endeavour (FIRE) at:
Photos by:  Katerina Anfossi & Margaret Thompson

Last modified 2005-08-22 04:53 PM
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