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Videos record the 2010 International Action!

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Presented during the 8th International Meeting, two videos have been compiled to display the lessons learned and images of the actions carried out around the world during 2010. The first video – The Third International Action of the World March of Women – 2010 – provides a 9-minute summary of the various actions carried out at the national, regional and international levels around our four action areas, which also paid homage to women’s historical participation in liberation struggles all over the world. Please, click to watch the video, available in: English, French and Spanish.

The second video –Feminist International Solidarity in Action (around 12 min) – produced by the WMW in Africa, not only summarizes the 2010 actions in Africa, especially the closing event of the Third International Action in the Democratic Republic of Congo, but also relates the historical participation of African women in the international construction of our movement. The video is available in English with French subtitles. There is also a version in Portuguese with subtitles in Spanish available online.

In the Philippines, the delegates from the WMW in Brazil also presented a 15-minute version of the documentary Seguiremos en marcha até que todas sejamos livres! (“Women on the March until We are All Free!”), available in Portuguese, with English, French and Spanish subtitles. It shows daily life during the long march that drew more than 2,000 activists from the 27 Brazilian states from March 8th to 18th, 2010. In addition to testimonials from the participants, the video also shows images of the march: training activities, debates, public events and cultural activities. Click on the links to watch the video in:  English, French and Spanish.

Copyrights : CC by-nc-sa 2.0
Last modified 2014-04-01 05:40 PM
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