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Luz Piedad Caicedo (Colompbia)

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The Women's Global Charter for Humanity, a path to follow


Different expressions of the women’s movement worldwide have been providing our societies with the impetus for change since 1998. Women from 163 countries, organized in over 5500 groups, show the other side of globalization, the side in favour of building a fairer, more equitable society; a society where there is no difference in opportunity for women and men; a society where equality, freedom, solidarity, justice and peace are values not only spoken of but experienced as something possible on the five continents in the lives of all women, regardless of their ethnic background, social class, sexual preference or age.


For the women of Colombia, the Women's Global Charter for Humanity, adopted in 2004, is of particular importance, because in our country, although women achieved the right to vote over 50 years ago, exercising our right to gender equality is still not a reality.


In Colombia, although there is a consensus that the armed conflict only deepens the exclusion, discrimination and violence that women have been subjected to historically, little progress has been made in terms of public policy and accountability where women’s rights are concerned. Moreover, the situations arising from the armed conflict cause women’s demands for their rights to fade into the background within and outside the context of the conflict.


The Women's Global Charter for Humanity has thus set a path to follow and represents recognition of women, who, in all their diversity, are aiming to build a world without excluding anyone. The utopia that another world is possible will materialize with the strength of thousands of women, and we in Colombia fully endorse it.


Luz Piedad Caicedo

Corporación Humanas



Copyrights : CC by-nc-sa 2.0
Last modified 2005-10-11 03:32 PM
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